The Story So Far...

Sunday, January 16, 2005

TV or not TV? That is the question...

Saw an interesting comment on this embryonic little blog which made me curious...

Firstly, that someone kindly took the trouble to read these mutterings of mine and secondly, that their comment seemed centred on the fact that I watch television. I should say that I'm indebted on the first part - glad to know someone's reading this(!) - but am bemused by the TV part. Most of us around the planet have televisions in our homes, sometimes whether we like it or not, and these can often become the focal point of our 'at home' existence if we're not careful.

I have long been an advocate of "why not switch of your tv set and go and do something altogether better instead?" (with thanks to BBC TV's 'Why Don't You?) philosophy. Having said all of that, I have found myself being drawn to it, especially when I and/or my wife are at home, the chores are done and the babies are asleep in bed. I can see why it can become addictive, lol. In Scotland, we have dreary wet and cold winters and, if I'm honest, wet summers usually. So the choice of other pursuits can be limited due to this. In the absence of babysitters, good weather and, occasionally, cash then it makes for a reasonable alternative.

Does it matter where you watch tv? Absolutely! I'd far prefer to be watching tv (albeit briefly) somewhere exotic in the world as opposed to here. If anyone would like to come and watch our glorious UK programming here in the bleak mid-winter then do get in touch.

off to watch some tv (...not)


At Mon Jan 17, 09:35:00 pm, Blogger Joe said...

That's why you put on a Hawaiin shirt, grass skirt and prepare some hollow coconutes for drinking from before watching your TV for that exotic flavour. Or try putting a little curtain round the screen and pretending you are having a night at the theatre.

Joe :-)

At Mon Jan 17, 09:44:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have satelite ??


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